Monday, August 9, 2010

A terrible blogger...

That is what I am. It has been over a month since my last post and I feel wretched! However, we have had many things on our plate. We haven't done a whole lot with the farm except move in but I do have LOTS of pictures to show our interesting home. Since we moved in, Kent and I got married, I started a new job, we got chickens, and lost chickens. We also were chased by bees while we were pulling weeds. Thank goodness we don't have any close neighbors to watch Kent and I run screaming up the hill towards the house taking our cloths off due to yellow jackets. They flew in our shirts. I was stung three times and Kent once. It was not a good afternoon. Despite the bees, bugs, and indians, we enjoy living on the farm as it is wonderful for our four legged children! They are in heaven.

Anyways, I know everyone would rather see pictures than read my rambling so here we go!

First is the bathroom. As you can see, it is enclosed by this lovely folding door framed by green trim. We actually did start on the bathroom. I got too excited and forgot to take a before picture but just imagine the 8 layers of wallpaper I removed to find this lovely blue marbled stuff.
It also had this lovely "motif" plastered on top of the wallpaper that we pried off. Kent was so sweet posing with the motif.

We plan on putting up bead board in the bathroom and painting the cabinets/trim white.

Out side of the bathroom is the laundry room or what I like to call the "green room." I'm not sure what is going to happen in here but definitely some paint will help.

Kent did some work to the living room before we moved in... He ripped out the carpet, sealed and painted the subfloor, and put down a cheap carpet until we put in permanent flooring. This room will be dry walled eventually as well.

This is just a better picture of the finished kitchen.

Spare bedroom: Will get dry wall this winter! But I think it is still super cute until then.

It also has a half bath with gorgeous wallpaper!

Well it is late this evening.... I will post the rest of the house soon!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

5 More Days...

... till moving day! Everything is winding down and I'm starting to get antsy. I have almost everything pack except a few minor things and I still have some cleaning to do but other than that we are all set. Kent and his friend will be arriving Thursday night. I will be putting them to work loading the truck while I go to work Friday. We will make a pit stop in VA and finish our journey Saturday unpacking our lives on the farm.

While I've been packing, Kent has been busy getting the farm ready for our (mine and the pups) arrival. He has already sanded and painted the kitchen cabinets. He must know how I worry about the kitchen. He has also, with the help of some friends, painted the ceiling in the kitchen and the living room/dining area. Minor mishaps though.. Both ceilings were painted with the wrong kind of paint! Nothing major though! at least nothing a little more paint can't fix. Kent also plans on painting the paneling and ceiling in one of the bedrooms so we can move our furniture in right away. The other bedrooms will have the paneling taken out and dry wall put up during the winter months (to keep Kent busy). He is also supposed to be putting up some blinds to keep the sun out. I'm not putting curtains up until things are more organized. Even then, I may not.

The following are just general pictures of the farm taken with a phone because I know people are interested in seeing what it looks like. I apologize for the poor quality.

This is the pasture/back yard area. There is a little pond to the left in the picture.

My Gram and Uncle visited the farm this past Thursday and he decided to come back and pull some of my weeds! Its looking better already!

And we can't forget pony ("Tucker") and goat! Jayda my westie think goat is a dog.

The next set of pictures are of the kitchen before Kent painted. Once I am home, I will post pictures of the finished product. You can't tell by the pictures but the cabinets are a yellowed color with some antiquing. Kent painted them white.

The blue cabinets are original I believe, maybe not blue but they are staying blue.

He even took pictures once he took the cabinet doors off :-)

Well, that is all I have for now. Look for new pictures after the big move! Wish us luck!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Beginning & The End

This is the first time I've ever done anything like this... The last time I even kept a diary was when I went to Italy for 7 weeks 3 years ago now? Prior to that I was never good a keeping record of events in my life. However, I do believe now is a good time to start.

I am about to close the single-woman chapter of my life and begin a new chapter with my future husband, Kent (which feels awkward at this moment to type). As most folks know, I currently live in Columbia, SC which is not my favorite place on earth buuuttt I've grown to have an appreciation for the area. Due to multiple reasons, I will be moving back home next weekend to start my new life. Everything seems to have fallen into place. I got the job, we have shelter, and we'll be getting hitched in about 3 weeks!

The "shelter" I referred to is a 3 bedroom 1.5 bath farmhouse nestled against the mountain on ~12 acres of land. It has a barn, garage, and multiple other structures. It also comes with a goat and a mini pony. I always dreamed of living on a little farm with a barn but I never thought it would really happen. The deal with the property though is that we will be living there for a year and fixing it up for some friends to be able to sell. The little farm needs a lot of TLC and Kent & I are up to the challenge. This is really what sparked my interest about blogging. I intended on posting our progress on the farm with before and after photos on Facebook. However, I can't explain what's going on and it leaves out everyone who does not have Facebook. This was a much better solution to keep our friends from all over the country posted.

Sooo stay tuned for "Adventures of Laura & Kent Down on the Farm"!